19 Most ridulous things Nigerian Men want from their Wives

This is what some Nigerian men say they expect of their wives from a Vox Pop in no particular order.

19 almost ridulous things Nigerian Men want from their Wives

1. Slim down. Don’t let people take you for my mother when, indeed, you are my wife. I love to see you exercise and eat less.

2. Don’t disrespect me. I want to feel respected even with my imperfections. Correct me with respect.

3. Don’t always claim your right. Be quick to say, “I am sorry.”

4. Don’t delay me when we have to go out together. Start getting ready well ahead of time and don’t ever keep me waiting.

5. I love good food. If you have to attend catering school to make me eat well, please do.

6. I hate nagging. When you make your request, believe in me to do it in my own time. No amount of nagging can change me.

7. Don’t belittle or gossip about me to anyone. If there are issues that need be to addressed, find a quiet time when we can talk, just the two of us; not necessarily in the middle of the night when you’re most likely going to disturb my sleep.

8. Don’t prioritise anyone over me. Make me your number one — not your pastor, the children, your friends or your family.

9. Yes, I love sex! Don’t withhold it. And don’t ever use it as a bargaining chip.

10. Stop acting like my mother.

11. I can be jealous. Don’t get too close to the opposite s*x on social media. Seek my consent before accepting a male as friend.

12. Don’t paint me bad before my children. Rather, help them to love and appreciate me.

13. Accept and relate well with my family members.

14. Assist me in paying the bills, if you earn well.

15. Don’t pry too much into my affairs by reading my mail or responding to my messages without my consent.

16. Stop snooping and stalking me on social media. Stop being suspicious of my female colleagues.

17. Stop answering my calls without my permission.

18. Smile always, even when you are exhausted from tending the kids. Frowning all the time will scare me.

19. Stop asking to know how I spend every dime. Just trust me and all will be well.
Wawu! I think these men should create their own kind of women with their hands LOL.
Source – Punch

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